Signs of intelligence (kirja)
Alkuperäisteos | |
Kirjailija | Kushiner, James; Dembski, William |
Kansitaiteilija | Justin Pumfrey |
Genre | tietokirjallisuus |
Kustantaja | Brazos Press |
Julkaistu | 2001 |
Ulkoasu | pehmeäkantinen |
Sivumäärä | 224 |
ISBN | 1-58743-004-5 |
Signs of Intelligence on W. A. Dembskin ja James M. Kushinerin toimittama tietokirja, joka käsittelee ID-teoriaa. Kirja koostuu 14 johtavien ID-teoreetikoiden esseestä, joiden kirjoittajista mainittakoon mm. Phillip Johnson, Michael Behe ja William Dembski.
The Intelligent Design Movement: Challenging the Modernist monopoly on Science
Design and the Discriminating Public: Gaining a Hearing from Ordinary People
Proud Obstacles and a Reasonable Hope: The Apologetic Value of Intelligent Design
The Regeneration of Science and Culture: The Cultural Implications of Scientific Materialism Versus Intelligent Design
The World as Text: Science, Letters, and the Recovery of Meaning
Getting God a Pass: Science, Theology, and the Consideration of Intelligent Design
Darwin's Breakdown: Irreducible Complexity and Design at the Foundation of Life
Word Games: DNA, Design, and Intelligence
Making Sense of Biology: The Evidence for Development by Design
Unfit for Survival: The Fatal Flaws of Natural Selection
The Cambrian Explosion: The Fossil Record and Intelligent Design
The "Just So" Universe: The Fine-Tuning of Constants and Conditions in the Cosmos
Signs of Intelligence: A Primer on the Discernment of Intelligent Design
Is Intelligent Design Science? The Scientific Status and Future of Design-Theoretic Explanations